MongoDB Workshop

3 min readMay 9, 2021

As always , it was a wonderful workshop organized by Linux World under the mentor ship of Mr. Vimal Daga Sir and Preeti Ma’am . There were so many key takeaways here in this workshop in 2 days . we got whole and sol idea of MongoDB and Its related things .

Here is the brief of what we learned in these 2 days :-


1. Normally we store the data in the file and the files are managed inside the folder finally it is managed inside the storage where it stores the data permanently.

2. A data model organizes data elements and standardizes how the data elements relate to one another.

3. SQL databases support SQL — a domain-specific language for querying and manipulating data in a relational database.NoSQL Database is a non-relational Data Management System, that does not require a fixed schema.

4. Insert operation is the addition of documents to the collection.

5. Schema less DB is one in which the fields are not pre-defined we can add fields as per requirement.

6. A document database is a NoSQL data store that is designed to store and query data as JSON-like documents.

7. JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation language. It is the most commonly used language for the different programs/software to talk to each other.

8. CRUD operations in Mongo DB are done using the functions insert, find, update, and deleteOne/deleteMany functions respectively.

9. We also have a GUI way of interacting with the MongoDB server — Mongo Compass. It provides a beautiful UI showing the details of the database and the collections.

10. To upload a dataset in MongoDB we first have to install MongoDB tools and use the command “mongoimport <PATH_TO_FILE> -d <DATABASE> -c <COLLECTION> — jsonArray”

11. We write a code in certain language and that code interacts with the server. In python we use the “pymongo” library to connect python with the MongoDB server.

12. Indexing is a data structure technique to efficiently retrieve records from the database files

13. A primary key is a field in a table that uniquely identifies each row/record in a database table. Primary keys must contain unique values.


1. Indexing is a way to make searching efficient in the Database world. In indexing, we use a certain unique field that can be sort according to our need, and whenever we need to search something related to that the indexing makes it exponentially faster to access it.

2. Sharding is a method used for distributing data across multiple machines.

MongoDB uses Sharding to support deployment with large data sets and high throughput operations.

3. Replica set is the group of machines that maintain the same data set. They Provide high availability

4. IXSCAN is index scanning that searches the things using indexing COLLSCAN is a Collection scanning that is by default scans all the document present in the collection

5. Creating an index of two or more items at once is known as Compound indexing.

6. The aggregation pipeline is used to allow us to pass the output of one query to another query in order to achieve the desired output.

7. Referencing model is a kind of architectural design for storing the data into multiple documents.

8. MongoDB Atlas manages, configures, and scales the clusters as per our need.

9. Cluster is an architectural design of master and slave nodes/target nodes to prevent the problem of a single point of failure.

A very great experience and a lot to learn
Thank you Vimal daga sir and Preeti Ma’am for the wonderful workshop .

Reach out me here on linkedin .

